Our latest review

Liz Weir, MBE has been generous enough to share her review:

Coming from Ireland, a country with rich traditions around the end of life, I especially welcome this collection of tales which will prompt honest discussion on death and dying, and the impact on those of us left behind. Folktales have the power to tackle important issues in an almost subversive way, and reading  the 18 stories in this book we are given the opportunity to reflect on our  experience of grief and loss and indeed, our own mortality.  We feel we are in safe hands as Jim and Rebecca guide us through a range of emotions in their sharing of carefully chosen traditional tales, told in an almost conversational tone. A book which will prove invaluable not only to storytellers and care-givers but also to anyone brave enough  to consider the important questions of life as well as death.

Thanks, Liz!

Don’t miss our Launch event on 11 December at 11 am Eastern / 5 pm CET: https://bit.ly/StoriesBookLaunch/


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